Version 1.2

Package bak.pcj.set

Provides primitive set classes.


Interface Summary
BooleanSet This interface defines sets of boolean values.
BooleanSortedSet This interface defines extends the BooleanSet interface to define sorted sets.
ByteSet This interface defines sets of byte values.
ByteSortedSet This interface defines extends the ByteSet interface to define sorted sets.
CharSet This interface defines sets of char values.
CharSortedSet This interface defines extends the CharSet interface to define sorted sets.
DoubleSet This interface defines sets of double values.
DoubleSortedSet This interface defines extends the DoubleSet interface to define sorted sets.
FloatSet This interface defines sets of float values.
FloatSortedSet This interface defines extends the FloatSet interface to define sorted sets.
IntSet This interface defines sets of int values.
IntSortedSet This interface defines extends the IntSet interface to define sorted sets.
LongSet This interface defines sets of long values.
LongSortedSet This interface defines extends the LongSet interface to define sorted sets.
ShortSet This interface defines sets of short values.
ShortSortedSet This interface defines extends the ShortSet interface to define sorted sets.

Class Summary
AbstractBooleanSet This class represents an abstract base for implementing sets of boolean values.
AbstractByteSet This class represents an abstract base for implementing sets of byte values.
AbstractCharSet This class represents an abstract base for implementing sets of char values.
AbstractDoubleSet This class represents an abstract base for implementing sets of double values.
AbstractFloatSet This class represents an abstract base for implementing sets of float values.
AbstractIntSet This class represents an abstract base for implementing sets of int values.
AbstractLongSet This class represents an abstract base for implementing sets of long values.
AbstractShortSet This class represents an abstract base for implementing sets of short values.
BooleanDirectSet This class represents sets of boolean values.
ByteBitSet This class represents bit array based sets of byte values.
ByteChainedHashSet This class represents chained hash table based sets of byte values.
ByteOpenHashSet This class represents open addressing hash table based sets of byte values.
ByteRange This class represents ranges of consecutive byte values.
ByteRangeSet This class represents range based sets of byte values.
CharBitSet This class represents bit array based sets of char values.
CharChainedHashSet This class represents chained hash table based sets of char values.
CharOpenHashSet This class represents open addressing hash table based sets of char values.
CharRange This class represents ranges of consecutive char values.
CharRangeSet This class represents range based sets of char values.
DoubleChainedHashSet This class represents chained hash table based sets of double values.
DoubleOpenHashSet This class represents open addressing hash table based sets of double values.
FloatChainedHashSet This class represents chained hash table based sets of float values.
FloatOpenHashSet This class represents open addressing hash table based sets of float values.
IntBitSet This class represents bit array based sets of int values.
IntChainedHashSet This class represents chained hash table based sets of int values.
IntOpenHashSet This class represents open addressing hash table based sets of int values.
IntRange This class represents ranges of consecutive int values.
IntRangeSet This class represents range based sets of int values.
LongChainedHashSet This class represents chained hash table based sets of long values.
LongOpenHashSet This class represents open addressing hash table based sets of long values.
LongRange This class represents ranges of consecutive long values.
LongRangeSet This class represents range based sets of long values.
ShortBitSet This class represents bit array based sets of short values.
ShortChainedHashSet This class represents chained hash table based sets of short values.
ShortOpenHashSet This class represents open addressing hash table based sets of short values.
ShortRange This class represents ranges of consecutive short values.
ShortRangeSet This class represents range based sets of short values.
UnmodifiableBooleanSet This class represents unmodifiable sets of boolean values.
UnmodifiableByteSet This class represents unmodifiable sets of byte values.
UnmodifiableCharSet This class represents unmodifiable sets of char values.
UnmodifiableDoubleSet This class represents unmodifiable sets of double values.
UnmodifiableFloatSet This class represents unmodifiable sets of float values.
UnmodifiableIntSet This class represents unmodifiable sets of int values.
UnmodifiableLongSet This class represents unmodifiable sets of long values.
UnmodifiableShortSet This class represents unmodifiable sets of short values.

Package bak.pcj.set Description

Provides primitive set classes.

Version 1.2

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Primitive Collections for Java is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
Copyright © 2002, 2003 Søren Bak. All Rights Reserved.

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