Version 1.2

Class ShortOpenHashSet

  extended bybak.pcj.AbstractShortCollection
      extended bybak.pcj.set.AbstractShortSet
          extended bybak.pcj.set.ShortOpenHashSet
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Serializable, ShortCollection, ShortSet

public class ShortOpenHashSet
extends AbstractShortSet
implements ShortSet, Cloneable, Serializable

This class represents open addressing hash table based sets of short values. Unlike the Java Collections HashSet instances of this class are not backed up by a map. It is implemented using a simple open addressing hash table where the keys are stored directly as entries.

See Also:
ShortOpenHashSet, HashSet, Serialized Form

Field Summary
          The default capacity of this set.
          The default chunk size with which to increase the capacity of this set.
          The default factor with which to increase the capacity of this set.
          The default load factor of this set.
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new hash set with capacity 11, a relative growth factor of 1.0, and a load factor of 75%.
ShortOpenHashSet(double loadFactor)
          Creates a new hash set with a capacity of 11, a relative growth factor of 1.0, and a specified load factor.
ShortOpenHashSet(int capacity)
          Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity, a relative growth factor of 1.0, and a load factor of 75%.
ShortOpenHashSet(int capacity, double loadFactor)
          Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity and load factor, and a relative growth factor of 1.0.
ShortOpenHashSet(int capacity, double loadFactor, double growthFactor)
          Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity, load factor, and relative growth factor.
ShortOpenHashSet(int capacity, double loadFactor, int growthChunk)
          Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity, load factor, and absolute growth factor.
ShortOpenHashSet(short[] a)
          Creates a new hash set with the same elements as the specified array.
ShortOpenHashSet(ShortCollection c)
          Creates a new hash set with the same elements as a specified collection.
ShortOpenHashSet(ShortHashFunction keyhash)
          Creates a new hash set with capacity 11, a relative growth factor of 1.0, and a load factor of 75%.
ShortOpenHashSet(ShortHashFunction keyhash, double loadFactor)
          Creates a new hash set with a capacity of 11, a relative growth factor of 1.0, and a specified load factor.
ShortOpenHashSet(ShortHashFunction keyhash, int capacity)
          Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity, a relative growth factor of 1.0, and a load factor of 75%.
ShortOpenHashSet(ShortHashFunction keyhash, int capacity, double loadFactor)
          Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity and load factor, and a relative growth factor of 1.0.
ShortOpenHashSet(ShortHashFunction keyhash, int capacity, double loadFactor, double growthFactor)
          Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity, load factor, and relative growth factor.
ShortOpenHashSet(ShortHashFunction keyhash, int capacity, double loadFactor, int growthChunk)
          Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity, load factor, and absolute growth factor.
Method Summary
 boolean add(short v)
          Adds an element to this collection.
 void clear()
          Clears this collection.
 Object clone()
          Returns a clone of this hash set.
 boolean contains(short v)
          Indicates whether this collection contains a specified element.
 int hashCode()
          Returns a hash code value for this collection.
 ShortIterator iterator()
          Returns an iterator over this collection.
 boolean remove(short v)
          Removes a specified element from this collection.
 int size()
          Returns the number of elements in this collection.
 short[] toArray(short[] a)
          Returns the elements of this collection as an array.
 void trimToSize()
          Minimizes the memory used by this collection.
Methods inherited from class bak.pcj.set.AbstractShortSet
Methods inherited from class bak.pcj.AbstractShortCollection
addAll, containsAll, isEmpty, removeAll, retainAll, toArray, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface bak.pcj.ShortCollection
addAll, containsAll, equals, isEmpty, removeAll, retainAll, toArray

Field Detail


public static final double DEFAULT_GROWTH_FACTOR
The default factor with which to increase the capacity of this set.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DEFAULT_GROWTH_CHUNK
The default chunk size with which to increase the capacity of this set.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY
The default capacity of this set.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final double DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR
The default load factor of this set.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ShortOpenHashSet()
Creates a new hash set with capacity 11, a relative growth factor of 1.0, and a load factor of 75%.


public ShortOpenHashSet(ShortCollection c)
Creates a new hash set with the same elements as a specified collection.

c - the collection whose elements to add to the new set.
NullPointerException - if c is null.


public ShortOpenHashSet(short[] a)
Creates a new hash set with the same elements as the specified array.

a - the array whose elements to add to the new set.
NullPointerException - if a is null.


public ShortOpenHashSet(int capacity)
Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity, a relative growth factor of 1.0, and a load factor of 75%.

capacity - the initial capacity of the set.
IllegalArgumentException - if capacity is negative.


public ShortOpenHashSet(double loadFactor)
Creates a new hash set with a capacity of 11, a relative growth factor of 1.0, and a specified load factor.

loadFactor - the load factor of the set.
IllegalArgumentException - if loadFactor is negative or zero.


public ShortOpenHashSet(int capacity,
                        double loadFactor)
Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity and load factor, and a relative growth factor of 1.0.

capacity - the initial capacity of the set.
loadFactor - the load factor of the set.
IllegalArgumentException - if capacity is negative; if loadFactor is not positive.


public ShortOpenHashSet(int capacity,
                        double loadFactor,
                        double growthFactor)
Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity, load factor, and relative growth factor.

The set capacity increases to capacity()*(1+growthFactor). This strategy is good for avoiding many capacity increases, but the amount of wasted memory is approximately the size of the set.

capacity - the initial capacity of the set.
loadFactor - the load factor of the set.
growthFactor - the relative amount with which to increase the the capacity when a capacity increase is needed.
IllegalArgumentException - if capacity is negative; if loadFactor is not positive; if growthFactor is not positive.


public ShortOpenHashSet(int capacity,
                        double loadFactor,
                        int growthChunk)
Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity, load factor, and absolute growth factor.

The set capacity increases to capacity()+growthChunk. This strategy is good for avoiding wasting memory. However, an overhead is potentially introduced by frequent capacity increases.

capacity - the initial capacity of the set.
loadFactor - the load factor of the set.
growthChunk - the absolute amount with which to increase the the capacity when a capacity increase is needed.
IllegalArgumentException - if capacity is negative; if loadFactor is not positive; if growthChunk is not positive.


public ShortOpenHashSet(ShortHashFunction keyhash)
Creates a new hash set with capacity 11, a relative growth factor of 1.0, and a load factor of 75%.

keyhash - the hash function to use when hashing keys.
NullPointerException - if keyhash is null.


public ShortOpenHashSet(ShortHashFunction keyhash,
                        int capacity)
Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity, a relative growth factor of 1.0, and a load factor of 75%.

keyhash - the hash function to use when hashing keys.
capacity - the initial capacity of the set.
IllegalArgumentException - if capacity is negative.
NullPointerException - if keyhash is null.


public ShortOpenHashSet(ShortHashFunction keyhash,
                        double loadFactor)
Creates a new hash set with a capacity of 11, a relative growth factor of 1.0, and a specified load factor.

keyhash - the hash function to use when hashing keys.
loadFactor - the load factor of the set.
IllegalArgumentException - if loadFactor is negative or zero.
NullPointerException - if keyhash is null.


public ShortOpenHashSet(ShortHashFunction keyhash,
                        int capacity,
                        double loadFactor)
Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity and load factor, and a relative growth factor of 1.0.

keyhash - the hash function to use when hashing keys.
capacity - the initial capacity of the set.
loadFactor - the load factor of the set.
IllegalArgumentException - if capacity is negative; if loadFactor is not positive.
NullPointerException - if keyhash is null.


public ShortOpenHashSet(ShortHashFunction keyhash,
                        int capacity,
                        double loadFactor,
                        double growthFactor)
Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity, load factor, and relative growth factor.

The set capacity increases to capacity()*(1+growthFactor). This strategy is good for avoiding many capacity increases, but the amount of wasted memory is approximately the size of the set.

keyhash - the hash function to use when hashing keys.
capacity - the initial capacity of the set.
loadFactor - the load factor of the set.
growthFactor - the relative amount with which to increase the the capacity when a capacity increase is needed.
IllegalArgumentException - if capacity is negative; if loadFactor is not positive; if growthFactor is not positive.
NullPointerException - if keyhash is null.


public ShortOpenHashSet(ShortHashFunction keyhash,
                        int capacity,
                        double loadFactor,
                        int growthChunk)
Creates a new hash set with a specified capacity, load factor, and absolute growth factor.

keyhash - the hash function to use when hashing keys.

The set capacity increases to capacity()+growthChunk. This strategy is good for avoiding wasting memory. However, an overhead is potentially introduced by frequent capacity increases.

capacity - the initial capacity of the set.
loadFactor - the load factor of the set.
growthChunk - the absolute amount with which to increase the the capacity when a capacity increase is needed.
IllegalArgumentException - if capacity is negative; if loadFactor is not positive; if growthChunk is not positive.
NullPointerException - if keyhash is null.
Method Detail


public boolean add(short v)
Description copied from interface: ShortCollection
Adds an element to this collection.

Specified by:
add in interface ShortCollection
add in class AbstractShortCollection


public ShortIterator iterator()
Description copied from interface: ShortCollection
Returns an iterator over this collection.

Specified by:
iterator in interface ShortCollection
an iterator over this collection.


public void trimToSize()
Description copied from interface: ShortCollection
Minimizes the memory used by this collection. The exact operation of this method depends on the class implementing it. Implementors may choose to ignore it completely.

Specified by:
trimToSize in interface ShortCollection
trimToSize in class AbstractShortCollection


public Object clone()
Returns a clone of this hash set.

a clone of this hash set.


public int size()
Description copied from interface: ShortCollection
Returns the number of elements in this collection.

Specified by:
size in interface ShortCollection
size in class AbstractShortCollection


public void clear()
Description copied from interface: ShortCollection
Clears this collection.

Specified by:
clear in interface ShortCollection
clear in class AbstractShortCollection


public boolean contains(short v)
Description copied from interface: ShortCollection
Indicates whether this collection contains a specified element.

Specified by:
contains in interface ShortCollection
contains in class AbstractShortCollection


public int hashCode()
Description copied from interface: ShortCollection
Returns a hash code value for this collection.

Specified by:
hashCode in interface ShortCollection
hashCode in class AbstractShortSet


public boolean remove(short v)
Description copied from interface: ShortCollection
Removes a specified element from this collection.

Specified by:
remove in interface ShortCollection
remove in class AbstractShortCollection


public short[] toArray(short[] a)
Description copied from interface: ShortCollection
Returns the elements of this collection as an array.

Specified by:
toArray in interface ShortCollection
toArray in class AbstractShortCollection

Version 1.2

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